Friday, August 31, 2007

Week 6 Thing 15

I read through all of the perspectives on Web 2.0, Library 2.0 and the future of libraries and found them all interesting. The way libraries are being used is changing and what our customers want is changing. Libraries need to think about their servies and the ways they provide them. They need to adapt their services to Web 2.0 technology and the new digital lifestyle. Rick Anderson in his perspective "Away from the icebergs"relates 3 icebergs that are posing threat to the success of libraries today. 1.) Building the "Just In Case"collection where we try to anticipate our customers every need. Our customers expect to access everything that is out there from digital collections of journals, books, blogs, to podcasts. 2) Reliance on User Education. Instead we need to focus on eliminating barriers between our customers and the information they need. 3.) "Come to us" model of library service. We need to find ways to bring our services to the customer rather than insisting they come to us.

I also found Chip Nigles' perspective "To more powerful ways to cooperate" to be very informative. Web 2.0 technology is a key concept for OCLC and they are applying its principles to their product. Among the changes being considered (or already introduced) are: search box that allows anyone to search Open WorldCat without authentication, allowing anyone to contribute and share table of contents, notes and reviews, allowing non-catalogoing library professionals and customers to contribute to Open WorldCat, tagging, list creation and sharing, personal cataloging, and expanding coverage to e-journals and other digital content. OCLC aims to expand the database ensuring it keeps pace with the changing composition of library collections.

I thought Dr. Wendy Schultz's perspective, "To a temporary place in time..." to be thought provoking. She provides a view of Library 1.0-Library 4.0.

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